Round table: 'Gender based violence' (2)

As I shared in a previous post (GBV) our diocese organised a second round table at the end of April. These round tables are a partnership with the "Dennis Hurley Peace Institute" in South Africa. The first held last year on "Human trafficking". This one, instead, was on "Gender Based Violence".

More than 50 people joined us. Some were members of Catholic organisations and sodalities, others were members from different NGOs working in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

It was a space to understand better the situation of our country, the challenges police and people have to deal with at the time of reporting the cases (particularly when children are involved), the need to work together to address it, the resources available...

A member of parliament reminded us that it is legal to lobby in this country and therefore it is important that churches and other organisations approach them regarding the need of laws to address this crime that is killing our families and our future.

We also became aware of the need to screen the people working in our projects, particularly when children are involved.

Having heard the different speakers, it was interesting the insistence on those present on the role of the Christian churches. They all underlined that 90% of this country is Christian and therefore it is important to involve the Christian community.

During my closing remarks though, I asked everyone how it could be that in a "so-called-Christian-country" we could have so much violence in our families and society. It is a contradiction. There must be something wrong. Maybe we have not understood our faith properly. Maybe there is something wrong in the way we read the Bible. It might therefore not help us involving the Christian churches if it is so unless we first address these issues.

Round table - Gender Based Violence

The session was opened with a prayer by Fr Tim Wrenn SDB:

"Creator God,
thank you that we are all made in your image and equally loved by you.

Open our eyes to see your face in those of our Sisters and Brothers 
who are in darkness because of gender based violence. 

Be with those who work to support survivors 
and may they be given resources of time and money needed.

Bless those working with perpetrators, 
may they help create lasting transformation of lives.

Lead those who administer justice for victims and survivors, 
help to make decisions with integrity and compassion.

Awaken within your Church and empower us take action against it. 
Forgive us for our ignorance.

Thank you to date for your healing power over survivors.

'As often as you do it to the least of these my Brothers and Sisters you do it to me'

You have called us to los our neighbour as ourselves. 
Help us to treat all with dignity and respect 
as we follow the example of Jesus who was voice to the voiceless."