The Spirit of the Lord is upon me..

Chrism Mass is celebrated every year on Wednesday of the Holy Week. This year was no exception. There were, though, a couple of differences from previous years. 

The first one is that for a couple of years the celebration was mainly attended by the students of our St Theresa's primary and high schools across the road to the Cathedral. This year, instead, and thanks to the support of all the priest, we turned it into what it really is: a diocesan event. Our Cathedral was practically full with delegates from many parishes. It also included a delegation from our schools.

The second one was the procession with the oils. In the past it was always done by our priests or seminarians if they happened to be in the diocese at that time. This year instead, we asked St Theresa's clinic to choose a nurse to carry the oil of the sick and a catechist from the Cathedral to carry the oil of catechumens. The chrism was carried by Fr Alwyn MSFS (Missionaries of St Francis de Sales). He joined our diocese last June and is now serving at St Phillip's and St Ignatius of Loyola.

Our Lady of Assumption (Cathedral)
Chrism Mass 2018
Both the first reading and the Gospel repeat the same words: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me...". Each one of our priests identify with these words. At their ordination, the bishop and all the priests present laid hands on them asking the Father in Jesus' name to give them the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

Just that, it should not be only them to identify with them. It is for all of us. Each one of us, because of our baptism, should happily celebrate that the Spirit of the Lord is given to us, consecrates us and sends us to be Good News to the poor, to heal the broken hearted...

It is what we believe. We read it in our catechism: “The anointing with sacred Chrism signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit... anointed by the Holy Spirit, incorporated into Christ who is anointed priest, prophet and king” (CCC 1241)

Many times we see the priest anoint a child or an adult but we never think much of that. We do not even know he/she is being anointed with the Chrism and the powerful meaning it has. 

It happens again at our confirmation when the bishop anoints the candidate with Chrism on the forehead and says: "receive the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Father"

In the words of St Peter, the Spirit makes us into "living stones" of the church. Not just bricks, next to one another or on top or below of one another but living stones, building together the body of Christ.

As I shared yesterday: "if anyone asks you if you have been born again say... Yes!!! But much more than that. I have been born again, consecrated and sent by the power of the Spirit" because we risk thinking it is about "me being saved" when we are saved together"

The oils we bless every year tells us a story. A story of the past and present as they talk about each one of us; but also a story of the future: those who at the Easter Vigil and in the coming year will be anointed with them: baptisms, confirmations and ordinations.

  • Celebrate this day!
  • Pray for those who will be baptised!
  • Prepare yourself to renew your baptismal promises on the Easter Vigil!
  • Renew your commitment to be a living stone of the spiritual building that is the church.

Click HERE for more photos of the celebration