Showing posts from June, 2014Show All
On their way to the Kingdom of Swaziland (from Italy)
Malindza Refugee Camp (Swaziland)
"World Refugee Day" at Malindza
St Lucia Retreat Centre: the stained glass has arrived!
20 June: Feast of Our Lady Consolata
St Lucia... looking more and more beautiful!
The miracle attributed to the intercession of Sr Irene Stefani MC
"Blessed" Suor Irene Stefani MC (Consolata Missionary Sister)
An unexpected blessing...!
Owning the diocesan webpage
A new way of reading ANOTHER well known text...
"More strength to Hope" (Hope House)
"Six on the way" (around the world by car)
Missionarie coraggiose: Sr Barbara Staley
A new way of reading a well-known text...
Food distribution project (Good Shepherd & St Peregrine's)