Mary, star of the sea

(I saw the image above at Posadas, Misiones Province, Argentina.
The prayer below was said by Pope Francis)

Oh Mary, star of the sea, once again we recourse to thee,
to find refuge and serenity, to implore your protection and help. 

Mother of God and our Mother,
turn your sweet gaze towards those who face the dangers of the sea everyday
to guarantee their families the necessary sustenance for life,
to protect the respect of creation, to serve peace between peoples. 

Protector of migrants and itinerants, assist with maternal care all men, women, and children
who are forced to flee their lands in search of a future and of hope.
May their meeting with us and our people not become
a source of new and heavier slavery and humiliation. 

Mother of mercy, ask forgiveness for us who, blinded by selfishness,
concerned by our interests and prisoners of our own fears,
have become distracted towards the needs and sufferings of our brothers. 

Refuge of sinners, obtain the conversion of heart
for those who generate war, hate and poverty,
who exploit their brothers and their fragility,
who make an undignified commerce of human life. 

Model of charity, bless all men and women of good will,
who receive and serve those who dock on this land:
may the love received and given
be a seed of new brotherly ties and the dawn of a world of peace. Amen